This isn't just about making money, or pawning off a religion on someone. I do not have a right to judge one's religions. I have my belief as others have theirs. Lets face it, honestly, I don't believe that in the end when all are judged that it will go by what religion they practiced and what faith they were, but what was inside of their hearts. Now knowing this point, then you also must know that because I believe this, why should I have the right to judge? This site is more than a store to buy a few things and shop around, it also has many valuable pages where people can post their opinions, read articles and really get to learn more spiritually. I could tell you what a bad life I've had, boo-hoo me, but I'm not. What I am going to say is that you should do what I have done, and learn to help yourself grow. Think positively each and every day, because you will find out that your heart, and your belief can help you grow strong and tall. Our MissionThis site will have all walks of spirituality supplies to help you with your quest for the soul. Be it whatever you want, if we do not have it, we will search and find it and sell it at a reasonable price. It also represents all the people of every religion of the world. This is a learning tool. We all would like to learn more to grow. Company ProfileThis company is a responsible, reliable, trustworthy bunch of people. We will be prompt in what we say, and honestly try to work hard at helping people with not so much money or credit cards buy their orders easier. "I really enjoyed trying out the layaway plan. I never could buy from these places before because I don't have a credit card. Now it's even better. After using the layaway plan, now I am using the credit plan. There's no interest, it's like layaway, only you get it sooner. This site is very nice to go to, and her chat's are starting to get more attendance. Keep up the good work. I'll be looking forward to a bigger variety of spiritual supplies, but great job on this site!" ~Daniel Larkin "You should really have more products to select from, and clearer pictures, but all in all, this is a great website. My order arrived quickly and in a timely fashion, and all of my products were there. You even found the book I wanted, and you aren't selling them yet. I think you are great, and if you keep up the good work, you will soon be on your way to a much better life. Thanks for the insight!" ~Lynn Parchman This site was put together by very important people. First of all, myself. For taking the time to make these pages, and croon over why things weren't working right. I finally have it down pretty good. I thank someone even higher than me for helping me to do this. I also have to give special thanks to Dan for helping me add ideas. His ideas helped transform what is now called the "Organic Openings" Newsletter. Many thanks to him. To my brother, Marvin, for helping me map this whole idea out. You were part of the basic and foremost design that made this web come alive. Last, but certainly not least, my boyfriend, who will remain anonymous as of now, for supporting me by helping take care of the children while I am so busy working on these new ideas. I also want to say a special thanks to my three beautiful children, just for them being here. Thanks also needs to be handed out to the many people who traffic this website and take the time to read it. These people are so much a part of this area, that I think they rate the highest rank of importance. I hope this site has met everyone's satisfaction. Please feel free to let me know. Contact InformationI only like to be notified by e-mail for my orders or by regular mail to my post office box.
Send mail to [email protected] with questions or comments about
this web site.